La surface d'une montre s'use avec l'usage quotidien. Sans produit d'étanchéité, la graisse, les empreintes digitales, les bactéries, la saleté et la poussière saliront très rapidement la montre et elle sera très difficile à nettoyer. La solution innovante: polyWatch Watch Protector.
Weishi No 1000 Timegrapher for measuring the rate, amplitude and beat error of a mechanical watch.
Weishi No 1000 Timegrapher for measuring the rate, amplitude and beat error of a mechanical watch.
Frequency can be detected automatically or entered manually.
Rate deviation measurement is ± 999 sec/day, with a precision of 1.0 sec/day.
Amplitude measurement is a numerical display in degrees, resolution is 1°, measuring range: 100°to 360° (the lift angle can affect the amplitude, range: 30°to 70°. Under normal circumstances, the amplitude value should not exceed 360°.)
Measuring period times for the averaged numerical results: 2s, 4s, 8s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 30s, 60s.
Measuring of the Beat error (Frequency error) is a numerical display in milliseconds. Resolution is 0.1 milliseconds; the measuring range is 0-9.9 ms.
Lift angle range is 30° to 70°, the factory default setting is 52°. The default setting is sufficient when the lift angle is unknown.
Dimensions: 173×9.5×11.5mm
Weight: 402g